There comes an age when it is no longer “okay” to go trick-or-treating. You either have to be under the age of 18, a parent, or accompanying a younger sibling. I, of course, do not fit the bill for any of these categories. Nonetheless, Halloween will always hold a special place in my heart. I love to write, but fashion is also a great passion of mine. You may remember some of my past articles documenting my wild outfit escapades. I dressed up as an 80s girl for a week, different college majors, and who can forget the time I embodied iconic TV show characters. I’m not too ashamed to admit that I don’t need much of a reason to put a fun outfit together, even if it's just a regular old Tuesday. I love Halloween because it’s one of the more socially acceptable moments to really go all out for the sake of fashion and storytelling. This Halloween, I still dressed up in a costume, even if my only plans were to catch up on homework and study for my Metaphysics exam.

Aside from assignments, I decided to hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters. This was a cathartic experience for me, as if to pass the baton to the new generation of youngsters willing to withstand the brisk chill of autumn for sugar and scary sights. I met a spooky skeleton, a mystical Harry Potter, and a few video game and TV show characters I am too old to recognize. I dressed up as Audrey Heburn’s character, Holly, from Breakfast at Tiffany’s, so I’m sure they didn't understand my costume either.
In classy Audrey Hepburn fashion, I finished my night off with dinner at Duffy's Tavern and leftover candy for dessert. I can sadly report that candy does not taste as good as it does when you trek 10 blocks for it.

As a scary movie fanatic, I had to end my Halloween celebration with a scary movie marathon. I watched the new film, Five Nights at Freddy’s, and the Tim Burton classic, The Nightmare Before Christmas. While I never played the Five Nights at Freddy's video game growing up, the stacked cast brisked across the screen like a waft of long-lost childhood memories. Josh Hutcherson from The Bridge to Terabithia and Mathew Lillard from Scooby-Doo The Movie, while older than I once remembered them, did a respectable job making this PG-13 film as haunting as possible.
Even though Halloween has passed, I hope everyone had a safe and spooky day you’ll remember forever. My Halloweens’ were always spent with my closest family. Even though my cousins and I are all grown up now, sharing these core moments with each other will always bond us. As my mother’s Facebook memories rush in, I am reminded of all the togetherness and joy wrapped up in this one special day, like a fun-size Butterfinger you can't help but savor.
The biggest treat for Halloween was you gracing us in your Hepburn beauty!!