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Being The Main Character For a Week

There is a Shakespeare quote we have all heard our high school English teacher poetically read aloud. “All the world's a stage, and all the men and women are merely players”. This was then followed by an awkward silence while we waited for someone to answer the million-dollar question, “What does Shakespeare mean by this”. My fellow 14 year old peers would scratch at our limited life experience and try to uncover some deep response that would satisfy our teacher with over 20 years of experience. Now that I am older and wiser, I have a better grasp of what this quote means in relation to my own life. Whether we realize it or not, we all play multiple roles in the span of our days. We are daughters, sisters, employees, students, and friends. While I am only one person, I feel like I play tug of war with all of the roles I must juggle in my everyday life. In the age of streaming, television is accessible to us to watch anywhere and on any device. We all have a character whom we idolize and feel inspired by. As an avid binge-watcher, I have a handful of characters who have inspired me whether through my clothing, hobbies, or life aspirations. This week, I want to pay tribute to these characters by creating outfits inspired by my favorite looks.


I started the week off by replicating a look of Lindsay Weir from the show, Freaks and Geeks. Freaks and Geeks is set in the 80s and is a coming-of-age show that demonstrates the clique dynamic of high school and the invisible titles we all acquire. Instead of focusing on the popular crowd, we delve into the nerdy underclassman and the too-cool-for-school burnouts. Lindsay is in her junior year and never really knew where she fit in. She felt like she was constantly fighting against this image her parents wanted her to become and the person she truly was. While this show is only one season, it is incredible watching her character growth and self-discovery as she uncovers who the true Lindsay Weir is beyond the titles and societal expectations. I chose to highlight her character because I feel like all young people experience this struggle. By replicating her outfit, I felt like I embodied the rebels of the 80s as they strayed away from mainstream pop music and colorful windbreakers.


A crowd favorite amongst all age groups is Gilmore Girls. If you haven't heard of it, it is a show about the relationship between a daughter and her mom who live in a hallmark movie town called Stars Hollow. Rory Gilmore is the town's sweetheart. She enjoys reading, and listening to music and shares a coffee addiction with her mother, Lorelei. Her wardrobe is fairly simple and consists of many basic pieces that most people already have sitting in their closet. Everyone who watches Gilmore Girls secretly idealizes Rory because of her undeniable charisma and likable wits. Dressing up as her for the day made me feel like I was on my way to Yale, excited to read a classic piece of literature while sipping a freshly brewed cup of coffee. Rory wrote for her school newspaper in high school and college and went to school to become a journalist. She helped inspire me to get into writing and I think she would be proud if she saw that I started my own blog. While her character is far from perfect, what I learned from her is to always be curious and to find beauty in the ordinary.



On Monday I traveled back to the 80s and today I went way back to the 70s. That 70’s Show has a special place in my heart and dare I say, had the best wardrobe of all the shows I showcased this week. I dressed up as Jackie Burkhart, the stylish, spunky diva. I put this outfit together last minute the night before school and I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out. Jackie might be a slightly judgmental and controlling character, however, I decided to portray her this week because the show wouldn’t be the same without her. Jackie has taught me to be confident in myself and to always stand up for what I believe in. Dressing up as her definitely made me feel more confident and it felt good to play around with bold accessories. I can see berets and little scarves in my future.


A character I most relate to is Jessica Day from New Girl. She is quirky, bubbly, and awkward in an endearing way. Between you and me, she is the reason I got bangs. Jess is a middle school teacher who loves to bake, do arts and crafts, and watch soppy 80s films. While I may not have what it takes to be a teacher, I do love to bake and even have my own craft corner just like her. Her roommates often make fun of her because she seems to be living in a fantasy world of cupcakes and rainbows. However, I think we could all benefit from a more optimistic view of the world and spread kindness just like Jess. If you're a fan of the show, you definitely always sing along to the signature intro, "who's that girl, who's that girl, IT'S JESS!".


On the last day of the week I decided to dress up as Elena Gilbert from The Vampire Diaries. While many may just see her as the “pretty girl”, I decided to emulate her this week because she is fairly relatable, aside from the love triangle with two handsome 100-year-old vampire brothers. She is protective over her brother, would sacrifice herself for those she loves, and continues to find meaning in her life in spite of all of the loss she has endured. While vampires, werewolves, and witches may not be real (that we know of), when you take all of this away, the show demonstrates how overwhelming and complicated life can get. We watch as Elena breaks down and is pushed to her human limits. While she has her own ups and downs, she always stays true to her values and her integrity. This, in my eyes, is what makes her truly beautiful.

My Philosophy professor once quoted Socrates, stating, “Know your life, yourself. Who are you?”. While I may have dressed up as five different characters, at the end of the day, I can only be myself. As for the “who are you” aspect of my professor's notes, I am still in the process of figuring that out just like Lindsay. This week brought me back to playing dress up like when I was little. I hope I inspired you out there to experiment with your look and try something new. I'd also like to thank my friends Ashley and Gabriela for taking pictures of my outfits this week! Dressing up is my own act of self-care, because nothing makes you feel better than a fabulous outfit. Stay beautiful my lovelies, I’ll chat with you all next week.


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