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Charming Chatters Tips and Tricks for Finals Week

December 10, 2021

I published this piece exactly a year ago today and all of my tips still ring true. Finals week is stressful. Nay, the word"stressful" does not begin to describe the mental and physical pain finals week inflicts on every college student. Finals week best resembles the last gruesome scene in any slasher film; the final dagger in the heart of an excessively overstrung semester. With the semester coming to an end, we may be experiencing vacation mode and try to breeze through our finals just to get them over with. However, I am here to whip everyone into shape so we can all stay motivated for the final stretch. There are hundreds of blog posts about “tips for exam week” but I am here to share some unique tips that you probably haven't heard before.

Tip #1: Clean Your Room

This might seem like a diversion from studying but the first thing you should do before you even open a book is clean your room. It may seem random, but the best way to get into a productive mood is to make sure that your personal space is nice and organized. You cannot expect yourself to focus on a philosophy paper when you keep looking over to the chair in the corner that has become a clothing rack. I must admit, there have been moments when I shoved folded clothes into the drawer and tried to force it shut. In a way, this is a metaphor. When we become stressed, we are like that drawer, a disheveled mess that is overwhelmed beyond its capacity. By dedicating a little time to make sure your room is clean, it will take away some of the stress that finals tend to invoke.

Tip #2: Meal Prep

Another method to reduce stress for this week is meal prepping. By preparing healthy meals for yourself ahead of time, you won't be tempted to distract yourself by going out to eat. Also, there are dozens of studies that have found a connection between healthy eating habits and better memory and thinking. Also, most importantly, make sure you remember to eat a well-balanced breakfast, especially if you have morning classes! You don't want to be in the middle of your exam and hear your stomach grumbling. So make yourself some overnight oats or avocado toast and ace that test.

Tip #3: Stay in this weekend to study (I promise it will be worth it)

We all know that cramming does not work. Nothing is worse than pulling an all-nighter and showing up to an exam unrested. This weekend, find some time to prepare your study material for the week so you won't be scrambling the night before trying to memorize a whole semester's worth of notes. Also, while it may seem simple, don't forget to do some small acts of self-care while studying. Grab a sheet mask, paint your nails or take a relaxing bath. You have to feel good to do good.

I wish everyone the best of luck for finals week and hope that once it is all over, you will feel like you earned your winter break. I will be taking some time off this month so I will talk to you all in the new year. Happy Holidays, Merry Studying and have a Holly Jolly Finals Week. Charming Chatter signs off.



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