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How to Live the Good Life Part Two: Cooking

While the story is as old as time, it's worth noting that now more than ever, Americans are struggling to opt for healthier food options. We all know fast food is a big part of the problem. However, delivery apps like DoorDash and Uber Eats agitate an already distorted relationship with food. Practically any restaurant you can think of can be delivered to your front door, and you don't even need to engage in human interactions thanks to contactless delivery. Yup, the driver could just drop the food off outside your door and scurry back into their car before you even hear the doorbell ringing.

What happened to the sacredness of food? Most people don't realize that the first step to eating healthier starts in the kitchen. Now, I am not one to turn down a fancy dinner and night out on the town, but nothing quite compares to the feeling of a home-cooked meal. All aspects of preparation are within your reach, and you never need to remind the waiter to exclude this or substitute that. Mastering home cooking is a vital skill to living the good life. This skill will allow you to host dinner parties with finesse, impress your family members with simple and tasty meals, and instill confidence when making smart food decisions. Read on to see some of the most stand-out cooking tips I learned from my parents, who live by the motto “less is more.”

1) Preparation is Key

Those who experience cooking anxiety may look at recipes and become overwhelmed by the seemingly never-ending steps and instructions. However, preparing your ingredients accounts for most of the heavy lifting and will leave you feeling cool, calm, and collected before turning up the heat. Make sure you complete all of your chopping before you turn on the flame.​​ This way, you can create an organized game plan before fire gets involved. Preparation is necessary to help you avoid burning your dish or scrambling back and forth to the fridge. Any added confusion can result in unnecessary cuts and burns. Instead of swiping through the paragraphs of instructions, first, direct yourself to the list of ingredients. Typically, the ingredient list will briefly describe the necessary preparation. You will commonly see language such as “1 medium purple onion finely chopped” or “1 cup of tomatoes diced.”Once you gather all your ingredients and chop them accordingly, I promise you will feel much more in control when it comes time to sauté or fry.

2) Onions and Garlic: Staples in Every Kitchen

Vegetables will always change in availability depending on the season. Try finding a zucchini flower in January (I bet you can't). However, regardless if it is summer or winter, every household must always have onions and garlic stocked and ready to go. Onions and garlic are typically the start of any sauce, find their way into side dishes, and are crucial to adding flavor to your favorite proteins. You cannot make tomato sauce without first sautéing onions and garlic. The best meatball recipes always call for chopped onions and grated garlic. Wanna make a hearty soup? Your staple duo got you covered. You never want to be starting up dinner and realize you're all out of onions and garlic. You risk making a meal that lacks flavor! If we are learning the basics, onions, and garlic is where we start.

3) Vegeta, the Miracle Seasoning

I’m unsure if this is something only children of immigrants can relate to, but I never saw a day when there wasn't a big jar of Vegeta front and center in our spice drawer. Vegeta is an all-purpose seasoning that can be utilized in various recipes. My mom often taste-tests my cooking and suggests a sprinkle of Vegeta to add some saltiness and pizzazz. It pairs best in soups, chicken marinates, potatoes, and eggs (read on to learn more). Vegeta is the perfect place to start if you want a forgiving spice that isn’t intimidating. Its neutral flavor will enhance any vegetable side dish, making greens appealing to even the most picky eaters. From the wise words of my mother, “All you need is a little Vegeta!”

4) Seasoning: Taste as You Go

If you ask an immigrant for a traditional recipe, don't expect to get any specific measurements. We spend all of our lives tasting food so when it's time to season, a big part of it comes down to instinct. When salting your food, be mindful if you cooked with inherently salty ingredients (Feta cheese, capers, olives, or anything in brine) and adjust the salt accordingly. You can always add more, but it's impossible to remove once you added too much. When cooking for a large group of people, abstain from any recipes that are extremely spicy or utilize a rare spice since some are more sensitive to flavors that fall outside of the norm. To prevent burning dry spices, add them towards the end. Salt and pepper will never let you down, and of course, Vegata will add some variation.

5) Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Basil Go Last

There is much debate about whether or not you should cook with extra virgin olive oil. My father always warns me against it because it has a low smoke point and typically burns faster than regular olive oil. More so than that, EVOO has a very distinct flavor that is best appreciated when consumed uncooked. The same can be said about basil. Cooking basil will cause it to turn brown and lose its beautiful fragrance. Once your pasta sauce is finished, you can add a drizzle of EVOO and finely chopped ribbons of basil to embrace the peppery oil taste and preserve the vibrant green hue of the basil. EVOO is also perfect for salad dressings, often made cold, and as the final add-on when plating. You'll feel like Gordon Ramsey once you start drizzling on EVOO like it's nobody's business.

6) Boiled Egg Hack

After years of trial and error, my father swears that he has cracked the code to the perfect hard-boiled egg. If you're like me, you’ve probably avoided boiled eggs because of the tedious pealing process and the abundance of conflicting cooking methods available online. However, boiled eggs are one of the cleanest cooking options since they do not require scorching or splattering oil. First, fill a pot with water, turn the heat on high, and wait for the water to boil before adding the eggs. Submerging the eggs into boiling water will prevent the shells from sticking. Make sure you use a ladle to gently place the eggs so they won’t crack. The perfect cook time for a stable hard-boiled egg is exactly 10 minutes. Once cooked, quickly transfer the eggs with the ladle into a bowl of ice water to start the cooling process and make them safe to handle. Once cooled, gently tap them on a hard surface and start pealing. Serve with a drizzle of EVOO and a sprinkle of Vegeta seasoning. Bon Appetit!

7) When in doubt: Eggplant

Those inexperienced in the kitchen will find comfort in starting off with plant-based dishes because you don’t have to worry about the dangers of undercooking or burning meats. You should always ensure your blades, cutting boards, and surfaces are properly clean and sterilized. However, as long as your vegetables are washed, there is little room for error. With chicken, you must check when it’s fully cooked, or you risk passing on salmonella poisoning to your diners. However, overcooking chicken or steak will result in a too-tough-to-eat meal that soils your hard work and preparation. Conversely, Eggplant is a versatile veg that can be so tasty that no one will miss the chicken. You can slice it up, season it, dip it in eggs and bread crumbs and whip up some crispy eggplant cutlets. You can bake it and blend it into a creamy pasta sauce or grill it, marinate it in olive oil, garlic, and white vinegar, to make the perfect addition to any sandwich or salad. Eggplant’s power to soak up flavor has made it wonderfully popular in many cultures and cuisines. Eggplant is the easiest ingredient to transform into an impressive meal everyone will enjoy.

8) Simple, Foolproof Pasta Dish

Having worked in the restaurant business during his youth, my dad learned a little something about cooking dishes that appeal to the masses. His all-time favorite crowd-pleasing pasta dish is simple enough that even the most inexperienced chefs will find it as easy as…pene. This sauce pairs perfectly with any pasta shape your heart desires, and you probably already have most of the ingredients in your kitchen. Sauté some finely chopped onion, grated garlic, and cherry tomatoes in olive oil until the cherry tomatoes are soft enough to squish with the back of a wooden spoon. This will help make the sauce thick and creamy, so it will stick to your pasta. Throw in a handful of arugula and simmer until it softens and perfectly combines with the tomatoes. Add a scoop of pasta water and season with salt and pepper. Thats it!

9) Simple Summertime Dessert

The perfect summertime dessert doesn't need to demonstrate pastry-chef-level technique. Nothing is better on a hot summer day than ice cream. Instead of the popular American toppings like chocolate drizzle, sprinkles, and a cherry, opt for seasonal fruit and some chopped nuts. This will help create a more balanced dessert that isn't overly sweet. Granola could serve as a perfect crunchy substitute if you are allergic to nuts.

10) Always Cook With Love

In opposition to the DoorDash culture, meals should be enjoyed in good company and prepared with love and care. Remember to be mindful of what you consume and at the same time, respect the ingredients you are blessed enough to have access to. Cooking shouldn't be viewed as a necessary evil or a chore. The kitchen poses an opportunity for us all to express our creativity and create a space for memories to be made at the dining room table. When everyone in your family spends most of their time stressing about work, a meal becomes the only opportunity to unwind and share a conversation. Some of my fondest memories with loved ones involved learning how to cook. In every traditional meal exists a story from your homeland. Savor every lesson, every meal, and every flavor that connects you to people who may have passed or live far away. The most important tip to living the good life is to cook with love.


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